
shepharding lifelong wellness

At The Hive Women’s Wellness, we are functionally focused, and medically minded. We believe that we are treating the whole body, not just the symptoms. It is our job to present you with all of the information, and form a care plan, that feels obtainable, with you, not for you. We are partners in your care, not pilots. Our goal is that you have all of the strategies needed to form life long wellness.

Whether you are experiencing new and bothersome symptoms, crossed by chronic illness, or simply are looking to optimize your health, we are here for you. Wherever you are on your journey- we want to meet you there.


what does the patient experience look like?

Our clients come in for a new patient appointment (specific to your needs), and we evaluate, and form a care plan specific to you. Patient appointment times are not like those in a traditional care setting, our patients have an hour of time for their initial appointments, and 30 minutes to an hour for any subsequent or follow up appointments. We take our time, and want you to feel heard, and understood when you leave. Our goal is that you walk away feeling like you are ready to recapture your healthiest you!



hormone evaluation


Sometimes you just are not feeling like yourself, and hormones are to blame. Evaluating hormone status is a great place to start. We do utilize bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, BHRT, if needed. BHRT is a form of hormone replacement therapy that is chemically identical to the human hormone structure. Bio-identical hormones, are plant derived, compounded medications, created specifically for each individual patient’s needs.

well woman care-


Yearly physical exams are an important part of disease prevention. Well woman exams can include Pap smears, preventative breast exams, thyroid exams, etc., depending on personal needs.

birth control management


We offer traditional contraceptive options. Or patients can schedule an appointment to learn about natural family planning, and cycle tracking.

comprehensive lab work

Depending on individual needs and/or concerns, we offer in house, comprehensive lab work to have a better idea of the root cause. All labs can be done in office, and/or from the comfort of your own home. Labs are typically ready to be reviewed in 1-2 weeks. Most lab work can be covered by insurance if applicable.

appointments for concerns

We provide primary care for problems you may be experiencing. Not sure if we can see you? Give us a call.

supplement management

In today’s world, there are many supplements available. We often don’t know what to take, or what not to take. We have created a world of over supplementation, and demineralization, that our bodies can no longer cope with. The patient will leave with a tailored supplemental regimen designed specifically for them after patient consultation.

parasite cleansing

Long term exposure to antibiotics, feeling sluggish, or heavy brain fog can all be symptoms of indwelling parasites. Parasite cleansing should always be done with guidance from a provider, and is offered at The Hive.

Dutch Testing

We often use DUTCH testing as a an evaluation of sex and adrenal hormones, including metabolites.

Many clients have questions regarding DUTCH testing/pricing.

Please contact us to discuss if this is the right option for your care.


Our Process


01 - schedule appointment

After discussing your health concerns, we will get you scheduled for your appointment at The Hive Women’s Wellness.

02 - complete in depth patient information

You will receive access to your electronic medical records through The Hive Women’s Wellness, as well as some patient information, and any questionnaires you need to complete prior to your appointment.

03 - complete initial appointment/labs

Your initial appointment will be one hour. We will discuss your health goals, concerns, desires for your health, form a treatment plan, and discuss needed follow up.

04 - follow up appointment for lab review

With your initial appointment complete, you will be well on your way to your healthiest self! Depending on your needs, a follow up appointment can be scheduled while you’re in office, or we will discuss when you need to return.

Frequently Asked Questions

do you take insurance?

We do not take insurance. However, if you have insurance that you would like to use, we can do lab work through your insurance carrier. Also, most prescriptions are covered under insurance.

do you do pellet therapy?

We do not offer pellet therapy at this time. Women’s hormones were designed to fluctuate, not be on a stagnant, never changing dosage. We prefer tailoring your treatment specifically to your needs

do you do thyroid management?

Yes! We absolutely do. We offer comprehensive lab work to evaluate your thyroid health, and offer many different treatment options.

do you see kids or teens?

We see all women from the time of their first period and beyond.

other questions?

Send us an email and we’ll get back to you!

Pricing is dependent upon service offered/received Payment is due at the time of service. We do not accept medical insurance of any kind for any visit type, but all lab work will be submitted with insurance if applicable. We are not responsible for any billing in discrepancies that may or may not arise with your insurance carrier due to lab fees incurred. Please note that we charge a $50 cancellation fee for all no show appointments, or appointments canceled or changed less than 48 hours in advance.

experience wellness.